Wednesday, August 27, 2008

8/27/09 Lee Gonzales Convention blog


My Viewpoint on Hillary Clinton's Speech Tuesday at DNC

It is no secret that I am a Hillary Clinton supporter, and thus, proud of her inspiring message about strongly supporting Barack Obama, along with a sincere call for party unity. Hillary cares deeply about America 's future, and passionately believes we ought to imagine an even greater nation--and that Democrats can deliver on this aspiration.

As she spoke about Democratic Party ideals, Sen. Clinton pointed out in the race for the White House we must keep going, and it is time to get going in terms of mobilizing. I took it as a call to arms for the Democratic Team of Obama-Biden. She included gracious comments for both Barack and Michelle Obama, and that was greeted with enthusiasm by convention delegates.
Overall, the speech was very well received. It will be interesting to hear what the political analysts will say with their coverage.

It would be inaccurate to say we have one hundred percent harmonious consensus relating to Sen. Obama's nomination, but the naysayer numbers are dwindling in my opinion. There are a few strident supporters in both camps. But in life we know at times there are arguments among family members that must be resolved so it is not unusual to have some level of bickering between campaigns in the same political party, which need resolution.

In my opinion Hillary Clinton's speech was right on target and we will see how it plays out for the unity aspects of this campaign for President. But my guess is it will help with our success. Let me know what you think.

LEE 8/27/08


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